
Note: Page references in italics refer to Figures; numbers in bold refer to end of chapter and Glossary definitions

absolute return 5, 78, 12, 261

accounting 1367, 214

administration lite service 86

AIMA (Alternative Investment Management Association) 174

alpha 18, 30, 39, 40, 221, 246, 261

alternative 248

double 18, 31, 263

portable 221, 22731

alternative alpha 248

alternative beta 39, 246

Alternative Investment Expert Group 11

Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) 174

anti-fraud analysis 48

anti-trust protocol 70

arbitrage 21, 234, 30, 261

mandate 39

risks 24

strategies 978

VaR and 100

asset based lending 164, 182

asset based style 250

at capacity 53, 58

attribution analysis 39, 78, 190

audit 86

audited financials 170

auditor 85, 86

back office 81

back-up policy 171

bell curved distribution 99

benchmarking hedge fund of funds 1889

benefit scheme 181

benefits of investing in hedge funds 357, 56

bespoke product 1834

beta 17, 30, 39, 40, 159, 221, 227, 228, 229, 230, 261

alternative 39, 246

beta neutral 17, 30, 261

bimodal distributions 99

Bloomberg 85, 86, 92, 128

Board of Directors 66

bonus structure 168

brokerage agreements 12930

business ownership 901


capacity 1489, 2034, 261

negotiation 489, 734

provision 62

capital guaranteed hedge funds of funds 2237

cash 189

cash balance 161

cash management 889, 130, 200

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 65, 157, 165

Chief Investment Officer (CIO) 65, 157, 165

Chief Operating Officer (COO) 65

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