

(Page numbers in italic refer to boxed text, illustrations, or tables.)



in cycles of learning, 3940

definition, 39, 40

in 4MAT Model, 4042

analytic learners

characteristics, 4

learning process and, 6

preferred part of learning cycle, 19

preferred question, 10, 14

stretching exercises, 11

as trainers, 23, 3334, 100101

assessment of training outcomes

effectiveness of training, 7780

efficiency of training, 8084

formative/On-the-Way assessment, 80, 86, 109110

importance of, 77

post-training follow through, 8485

summative/At-the-Gate assessment, 86, 109

attending step of learning cycle, 4344, 53

training design, 63, 117 ...

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