Achor, Shawn, 20

agency thinking, 100

altruism, 16, 80

ambition, as happiness trap, 30, 3435

amygdala hijack (emotional response), 91, 92, 107, 174

anxiety, 93, 128, 192, 194

anxiety disorders, 161

Ariely, Dan, 7778

Ayon, Nancy, 211n, 228n

Barsade, Sigal, 125

Becoming a Resonant Leader (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee), 209n

belonging, sense of

companionate love and, 127

importance of, 128

team members and, 128130

work relationships and, 130131

Blakely, Sara, 97

body image, and eating disorders, 88, 221n

boiling frog syndrome, 157

bosses, 142148

building relationship with, 147148

employees’ adulation of, 144145

making an honest assessment of current situation with, 178179

negative relationship with, 143144

power dynamic with, 142 ...

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