Chapter 6. Hardening Web Applications

We’ve spent some time in previous chapters discussing the relevance of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, and analyzed the relevance of identity and biometry plus the impact of multifactor authentication. This chapter covers security considerations for Node applications, especially focusing on Express.

In security, it is fantastic to provide a secure solution to identify users and authorize access to certain resources, but because of a multitude of attack vectors, it is simply not enough to rely on a simple protocol to secure applications. This is why we tend to go for layered security. Let’s use a simple analogy: In medieval times, a castle was secured by a wooden gate, which was a good way to keep people out and defend property. When combined with stone walls, the gate got even better, because it took more time for even heavy machinery to breach the walls. If combined with a moat, the wall and gate became even more useful. If we take this analogy and apply it to today’s standards, we want to make sure not only that our application is capable of identifying users, but also that we can withstand a DDoS attack, secure our sessions, and prepare for potential XSS and CSRF attacks.

Securing Sessions

Sessions have a simple reason to exist: they persist user logins across various routes within our application without the need to re-authenticate the user by prompting for usernames and passwords over and over again. Just like passwords, ...

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