
Accountability for project, 90–96

Active listening, 85

Adaptability, 42

Ambiguity, artful handling of, 85–87

Associated sponsor engagement points, 64


Blaming culture, 39

Business decisions, 52

Business orientation, 39–40

Buy-in, lack of, 50


Change control process, 74–76

    costs, 75

    sponsor engagement in, 77

Characteristics of executive sponsor

    ability to manage self, 87–88

    accountability for project, 90–96

    assessing, 106–107

    behaviors and temperaments, 83–89, 107

    communication and listening skills, 84–87

    responsive, collaborative, and approachable, 89

    roles and responsibilities, 89–105

    support for project manager, 96–100

    supporting project, 100–105

Collaboration, 40–41

Commitment, stakeholder, ...

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