6Some Techniques to Stimulate and Aid Creativity
The purpose of this chapter is to give you some creative tools so that you can use them in accordance with what was said about them in the previous chapter. Thus, we present here different tools classified according to the predominant logic in their use. We will not discuss the most well-known creative techniques of brainstorming, brain purge and SCAMPER/SCAMMPERR, because there is no shortage of literature about them and you probably already know them. Similarly, as some tools are presented in other chapters of this book, we do not present them here. These are the “strategic framework” (section 1.2.4), “mind mapping” (section 4.4.1) or the lotus flower (section 4.4.1) and the C-K theory (section 7.1.2). Finally, since in the 2000s many techniques using games were proposed, we added to each of these categories at least one tool combining a playful logic with one or the other reasoning logic. However, concerning tools using playful logic, it is necessary, before their proposal to a group, to take into account the participants’ relationship to the game, the games of which they are already aware and appreciate. But first of all, we will begin this presentation in the form of a series of sections with techniques and tools to break the ice (icebreaker) between the members of the group, create some cohesion or allow its members to warm up their brains.
6.1. Some techniques and tools such as icebreakers or challenges
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