choosing summary fields, 197

default style, 194

Header and Footer Information window, 198

New Layout/Report window, 191

Organize Records by Category window, 196

Select a Theme window, 193

Sort Records window, 27, 196

Specify Fields window, 192

Specify Grand Totals window, 197

Specify Label Contents window, 201

Specify Subtotals window, 196

summarizing by fields, 196

Layout bar, 11, 24, 40, 41, 132, 182, 188, 352, 377, 378

Layout list, 23, 284, 501

Layout mode, 23, 191

layout objects, 39

aligning, 44

as buttons, 82

autoresizing, 385

changing colors of, 378

constraining, 42

copying, 25

deselecting from group, 370

duplicating, 39

formatting, 25

GetLayoutObjectAttribute, 267, 268, 384, 482, 486, 541, 548

grouped, 369

locking, 45, 375

matching styles ...

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