Chapter 1. Your First Application

Often, the best way to learn is to do: so we’re going to start off by creating a simple application. The point of this chapter is not to explain everything that’s going on: there’s a lot that’s going to be unfamiliar and confusing, and my advice to you is to relax and not get caught up in trying to understand everything right now. The point of this chapter is to get you excited. Just enjoy the ride; by the time you finish this book, everything in this chapter will make perfect sense to you.


If you don’t have much programming experience, one of the things that is going to cause you a lot of frustration at first is how literal computers are. Our human minds can deal with confusing input very easily, but computers are terrible at this. If I make a grammatical error, it may change your opinion about my writing ability, but you will probably still understand me. JavaScript—like all programming languages—has no such facility to deal with confusing input. Capitalization, spelling, and the order of words and punctuation are crucial. If you’re experiencing problems, make sure you’ve copied everything correctly: you haven’t substituted semicolons for colons or commas for periods, you haven’t mixed single quotation and double quotation marks, and you’ve capitalized all of your code correctly. Once you’ve had some experience, you’ll learn where you can “do things your way,” and where you have to be perfectly literal, but for now, you will experience less frustration by entering the examples exactly as they’re written.

Historically, programming books have started out with an example called “Hello, World” that simply prints the phrase “hello world” to your terminal. It may interest you to know that this tradition was started in 1972 by Brian Kernighan, a computer scientist working at Bell Labs. It was first seen in print in 1978 in The C Programming Language, by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. To this day, The C Programming Language is widely considered to be one of the best and most influential programming language books ever written, and I have taken much inspiration from that work in writing this book.

While “Hello, World” may seem dated to an increasingly sophisticated generation of programming students, the implicit meaning behind that simple phrase is as potent today as it was in 1978: they are the first words uttered by something that you have breathed life into. It is proof that you are Prometheus, stealing fire from the gods; a rabbi scratching the true name of God into a clay golem; Doctor Frankenstein breathing life into his creation.1 It is this sense of creation, of genesis, that first drew me to programming. Perhaps one day, some programmer—maybe you—will give life to the first artificially sentient being. And perhaps its first words will be “hello world.”

In this chapter, we will balance the tradition that Brian Kernighan started 44 years ago with the sophistication available to programmers today. We will see “hello world” on our screen, but it will be a far cry from the blocky words etched in glowing phosphor you would have enjoyed in 1972.

Where to Start

In this book, we will cover the use of JavaScript in all its current incarnations (server-side, scripting, desktop, browser-based, and more), but for historical and practical reasons, we’re going to start with a browser-based program.

One of the reasons we’re starting with a browser-based example is that it gives us easy access to graphics libraries. Humans are inherently visual creatures, and being able to relate programming concepts to visual elements is a powerful learning tool. We will spend a lot of time in this book staring at lines of text, but let’s start out with something a little more visually interesting. I’ve also chosen this example because it organically introduces some very important concepts, such as event-driven programming, which will give you a leg up on later chapters.

The Tools

Just as a carpenter would have trouble building a desk without a saw, we can’t write software without some tools. Fortunately, the tools we need in this chapter are minimal: a browser and a text editor.

I am happy to report that, as I write this, there is not one browser on the market that is not suited to the task at hand. Even Internet Explorer—which has long been a thorn in the side of programmers—has cleaned up its act, and is now on par with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. That said, my browser of choice is Firefox, and in this text, I will discuss Firefox features that will help you in your programming journey. Other browsers also have these features, but I will describe them as they are implemented in Firefox, so the path of least resistance while you go through this book will be to use Firefox.

You will need a text editor to actually write your code. The choice of text editors can be a very contentious—almost religious—debate. Broadly speaking, text editors can be categorized as text-mode editors or windowed editors. The two most popular text-mode editors are vi/vim and Emacs. One big advantage to text-mode editors is that, in addition to using them on your computer, you can use them over SSH—meaning you can remotely connect to a computer and edit your files in a familiar editor. Windowed editors can feel more modern, and add some helpful (and more familiar) user interface elements. At the end of the day, however, you are editing text only, so a windowed editor doesn’t offer an inherent advantage over a text-mode editor. Popular windowed editors are Atom, Sublime Text, Coda, Visual Studio, Notepad++, TextPad, and Xcode. If you are already familiar with one of these editors, there is probably no reason to switch. If you are using Notepad on Windows, however, I highly recommend upgrading to a more sophisticated editor (Notepad++ is an easy and free choice for Windows users).

Describing all the features of your editor is beyond the scope of this book, but there are a few features that you will want to learn how to use:

Syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting uses color to distinguish syntactic elements in your program. For example, literals might be one color and variables another (you will learn what these terms mean soon!). This feature can make it easier to spot problems in your code. Most modern text editors will have syntax highlighting enabled by default; if your code isn’t multicolored, consult your editor documentation to learn how to enable it.

Bracket matching

Most programming languages make heavy use of parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets (collectively referred to as “brackets”). Sometimes, the contents of these brackets span many lines, or even more than one screen, and you’ll have brackets within brackets, often of different types. It’s critical that brackets match up, or “balance”; if they don’t, your program won’t work correctly. Bracket matching provides visual cues about where brackets begin and end, and can help you spot problems with mismatched brackets. Bracket matching is handled differently in different editors, ranging from a very subtle cue to a very obvious one. Unmatched brackets are a common source of frustration for beginners, so I strongly recommend that you learn how to use your editor’s bracket-matching feature.

Code folding

Somewhat related to bracket matching is code folding. Code folding refers to the ability to temporarily hide code that’s not relevant to what you’re doing at the moment, allowing you to focus. The term comes from the idea of folding a piece of paper over on itself to hide unimportant details. Like bracket matching, code folding is handled differently by different editors.


Autocompletion (also called word completion or IntelliSense2) is a convenience feature that attempts to guess what you are typing before you finish typing it. It has two purposes. The first is to save typing time. Instead of typing, for example, encodeURIComponent, you can simply type enc, and then select encodeURIComponent from a list. The second purpose is called discoverability. For example, if you type enc because you want to use encodeURIComponent, you’ll find (or “discover”) that there’s also a function called encodeURI. Depending on the editor, you may even see some documentation to distinguish the two choices. Autocompletion is more difficult to implement in JavaScript than it is in many other languages because it’s a loosely typed language, and because of its scoping rules (which you will learn about later). If autocompletion is an important feature to you, you may have to shop around to find an editor that meets your needs: this is an area in which some editors definitely stand out from the pack. Other editors (vim, for example) offer very powerful autocompletion, but not without some extra configuration.

A Comment on Comments

JavaScript—like most programming languages—has a syntax for making comments in code. Comments are completely ignored by JavaScript; they are meant for you or your fellow programmers. They allow you to add natural language explanations of what’s going on when it’s not clear. In this book, we’ll be liberally using comments in code samples to explain what’s happening.

In JavaScript, there are two kinds of comments: inline comments and block comments. An inline comment starts with two forward slashes (//) and extends to the end of the line. A block comment starts with a forward slash and an asterisk (/*) and ends with an asterisk and a forward slash (*/), and can span multiple lines. Here’s an example that illustrates both types of comments:

console.log("echo");    // prints "echo" to the console
   In the previous line, everything up to the double forward slashes
   is JavaScript code, and must be valid syntax.  The double
   forward slashes start a comment, and will be ignored by JavaScript.

   This text is in a block comment, and will also be ignored
   by JavaScript.  We've chosen to indent the comments of this block
   for readability, but that's not necessary.
/*Look, Ma, no indentation!*/

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which we’ll see shortly, also use JavaScript syntax for block comments (inline comments are not supported in CSS). HTML (like CSS) doesn’t have inline comments, and its block comments are different than JavaScript. They are surrounded by the unwieldy <!-- and -->:

   <title>HTML and CSS Example</title>
   <!-- this is an HTML comment...
            which can span multiple lines. -->
      body: { color: red; }
      /* this is a CSS comment...
            which can span multiple lines. */
      console.log("echo"); // back in JavaScript...
      /* both inline and block comments
            are supported. */

Getting Started

We’re going to start by creating three files: an HTML file, a CSS file, and a JavaScript source file. We could do everything in the HTML file (JavaScript and CSS can be embedded in HTML), but there are certain advantages to keeping them separate. If you’re new to programming, I strongly recommend that you follow along with these instructions step by step: we’re going to take a very exploratory, incremental approach in this chapter, which will facilitate your learning process.

It may seem like we’re doing a lot of work to accomplish something fairly simple, and there’s some truth in that. I certainly could have crafted an example that does the same thing with many fewer steps, but by doing so, I would be teaching you bad habits. The extra steps you’ll see here are ones you’ll see over and over again, and while it may seem overcomplicated now, you can at least reassure yourself that you’re learning to do things the right way.

One last important note about this chapter. This is the lone chapter in the book in which the code samples will be written in ES5 syntax, not ES6 (Harmony). This is to ensure that the code samples will run, even if you aren’t using a browser that has implemented ES6. In the following chapters, we will talk about how to write code in ES6 and “transcompile” it so that it will run on legacy browsers. After we cover that ground, the rest of the book will use ES6 syntax. The code samples in this chapter are simple enough that using ES5 doesn’t represent a significant handicap.


For this exercise, you’ll want to make sure the files you create are in the same directory or folder. I recommend that you create a new directory or folder for this example so it doesn’t get lost among your other files.

Let’s start with the JavaScript file. Using a text editor, create a file called main.js. For now, let’s just put the following lines in this file:

(function() {
  'use strict'
  // your code will start here...

  console.log('main.js loaded');

  // ...and end here

In this chapter, you’ll put all of your code in between the two comments. The function and 'use strict' are there to help prevent any conflicts, and you’ll learn more about how that works in Chapter 7.

Then create the CSS file, main.css. We don’t actually have anything to put in here yet, so we’ll just include a comment so we don’t have an empty file:

/* Styles go here. */

Then create a file called index.html:

<!doctype html>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
      <h1>My first application!</h1>
      <p>Welcome to <i>Learning JavaScript, 3rd Edition</i>.</p>

      <script src="main.js"></script>

While this book isn’t about HTML or web application development, many of you are learning JavaScript for that purpose, so we will point out some aspects of HTML as they relate to JavaScript development. An HTML document consists of two main parts: the head and the body. The head contains information that is not directly displayed in your browser (though it can affect what’s displayed in your browser). The body contains the contents of your page that will be rendered in your browser. It’s important to understand that elements in the head will never be shown in the browser, whereas elements in the body usually are (certain types of elements, like <script>, won’t be visible, and CSS styles can also hide body elements).

In the head, we have the line <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">; this is what links the currently empty CSS file into your document. Then, at the end of the body, we have the line <script src="main.js"></script>, which is what links the JavaScript file into your document. It may seem odd to you that one goes in the head and the other goes at the end of the body. While we could have put the <script> tag in the head, there are performance and complexity reasons for putting it at the end of the body.

In the body, we have <h1>My first application!</h1>, which is first-level header text (which indicates the largest, most important text on the page), followed by a <p> (paragraph) tag, which contains some text, some of which is italic (denoted by the <i> tag).

Go ahead and load index.html in your browser. The easiest way to do this on most systems is to simply double-click on the file from a file browser (you can also usually drag the file onto a browser window). You’ll see the body contents of your HTML file.


There are many code samples in this book. Because HTML and JavaScript files can get very large, I won’t present the whole files every time: instead, I will explain in the text where the code sample fits into the file. This may cause some trouble for beginning programmers, but understanding the way code fits together is important, and can’t be avoided.

The JavaScript Console

We’ve already written some JavaScript: console.log('main.js loaded'). What did that do? The console is a text-only tool for programmers to help them diagnose their work. You will use the console extensively as you go through this book.

Different browsers have different ways of accessing the console. Because you will be doing this quite often, I recommend learning the keyboard shortcut. In Firefox, it’s Ctrl-Shift-K (Windows and Linux) or Command-Option-K (Mac).

In the page in which you loaded index.html, open the JavaScript console; you should see the text “main.js loaded” (if you don’t see it, try reloading the page). console.log is a method3 that will print whatever you want to the console, which is very helpful for debugging and learning alike.

One of the many helpful features of the console is that, in addition to seeing output from your program, you can enter JavaScript directly in the console, thereby testing things out, learning about JavaScript features, and even modifying your program temporarily.

Drawing Graphics Primitives

Among many of the benefits HTML5 brought was a standardized graphics interface. The HTML5 canvas allows you to draw graphics primitives like squares, circles, and polygons. Using the canvas directly can be painful, so we’ll use a graphics library called Paper.js to take advantage of the HTML5 canvas.


Paper.js is not the only canvas graphics library available: KineticJS, Fabric.js, and EaselJS are very popular and robust alternatives. I’ve used all of these libraries, and they’re all very high quality.

Before we start using Paper.js to draw things, we’ll need an HTML canvas element to draw on. Add the following to the body (you can put it anywhere; after the intro paragraph, for example):

<canvas id="mainCanvas"></canvas>

Note that we’ve given the canvas an id attribute: that’s how we will be able to easily refer to it from within JavaScript and CSS. If we load our page right now, we won’t see anything different; not only haven’t we drawn anything on the canvas, but it’s a white canvas on a white page and has no width and height, making it very hard to see indeed.


Every HTML element can have an ID, and for the HTML to be valid (correctly formed), each ID must be unique. So now that we’ve created a canvas with the id “mainCanvas”, we can’t reuse that ID. Because of this, it’s recommended that you use IDs sparingly. We’re using one here because it’s often easier for beginners to deal with one thing at a time, and by definition, an ID can only refer to one thing on a page.

Let’s modify main.css so our canvas stands out on the page. If you’re not familiar with CSS, that’s OK—this CSS is simply setting a width and height for our HTML element, and giving it a black border:4

#mainCanvas {
   width: 400px;
   height: 400px;
   border: solid 1px black;

If you reload your page, you should see the canvas now.

Now that we have something to draw on, we’ll link in Paper.js to help us with the drawing. Right after we link in jQuery, but before we link in our own main.js, add the following line:

<script src=" ↩

You’ll notice that we’re using an Internet URL, which means your page won’t work correctly without Internet access. We’re linking in Paper.js from a publicly hosted content delivery network (CDN), which has certain performance advantages. If you will be working on your project offline, you’ll have to download the file and link it from your computer instead.

Now that we have Paper.js linked in, we have to do a little work to configure Paper.js. Whenever you encounter code like this—repetitive code that is required before you do something—it’s often called boilerplate. Add the following to main.js, right after 'use strict' (you can remove the console.log if you wish):




The first line installs Paper.js in the global scope (which will make more sense in Chapter 7). The second line attaches Paper.js to the canvas, and prepares Paper.js for drawing. In the middle, where we put TODO is where we’ll actually be doing the interesting stuff. The last line tells Paper.js to actually draw something to the screen.

Now that all of the boilerplate is out of the way, let’s draw something! We’ll start with a green circle in the middle of the canvas. Replace the “TODO” comment with the following lines:

var c = Shape.Circle(200, 200, 50);
c.fillColor = 'green';

Refresh your browser, and behold, a green circle. You’ve written your first real JavaScript. There’s actually a lot going on in those two lines, but for now, it’s only important to know a few things. The first line creates a circle object, and it does so with three arguments: the x and y coordinates of the center of the circle, and the radius of the circle. Recall we made our canvas 400 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall, so the center of the canvas lies at (200, 200). And a radius of 50 makes a circle that’s an eighth of the width and height of the canvas. The second line sets the fill color, which is distinct from the outline color (called the stroke in Paper.js parlance). Feel free to experiment with changing those arguments.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Consider what you’d have to do if you wanted not just to add one circle, but to fill the canvas with them, laid out in a grid. If you space the circles 50 pixels apart and make them slightly smaller, you could fit 64 of them on the canvas. Certainly you could copy the code you’ve already written 63 times, and by hand, modify all of the coordinates so that they’re spaced out in a grid. Sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? Fortunately, this kind of repetitive task is what computers excel at. Let’s see how we can draw out 64 circles, evenly spaced. We’ll replace our code that draws a single circle with the following:

var c;
for(var x=25; x<400; x+=50) {
   for(var y=25; y<400; y+=50) {
      c = Shape.Circle(x, y, 20);
      c.fillColor = 'green';

If you refresh your browser, you’ll see we have 64 green circles! If you’re new to programming, what you’ve just written may seem confusing, but you can see it’s better than writing the 128 lines it would take to do this by hand.

What we’ve used is called a for loop, which is part of the control flow syntax that we’ll learn about in detail in Chapter 4. A for loop allows you to specify an initial condition (25), an ending condition (less than 400), and an increment value (50). We use one loop inside the other to accomplish this for both the x-axis and y-axis.


There are many ways we could have written this example. The way we’ve written it, we’ve made the x and y coordinates the important pieces of information: we explicitly specify where the circles will start and how far apart they’ll be spaced. We could have approached this problem from another direction: we could have said what’s important is the number of circles we want (64), and let the program figure out how to space them so that they fit on the canvas. The reason we went with this solution is that it better matches what we would have done if we had cut and pasted our circle code 64 times and figured out the spacing ourselves.

Handling User Input

So far, what we’ve been doing hasn’t had any input from the user. The user can click on the circles, but it doesn’t do anything. Likewise, trying to drag a circle would have no effect. Let’s make this a little more interactive, by allowing the user to choose where the circles get drawn.

It’s important to become comfortable with the asynchronous nature of user input. An asynchronous event is an event whose timing you don’t have any control over. A user’s mouse click is an example of an asynchronous event: you can’t be inside your users’ minds, knowing when they’re going to click. Certainly you can prompt their click response, but it is up to them when—and if—they actually click. Asynchronous events arising from user input make intuitive sense, but we will cover much less intuitive asynchronous events in later chapters.

Paper.js uses an object called a tool to handle user input. If that choice of names seems unintuitive to you, you are in good company: I agree, and don’t know why the Paper.js developers used that terminology.5 It might help you to translate “tool” to “user input tool” in your mind. Let’s replace our code that drew a grid of circles with the following code:

var tool = new Tool();

tool.onMouseDown = function(event) {
   var c = Shape.Circle(event.point.x, event.point.y, 20);
   c.fillColor = 'green';

The first step in this code is to create our tool object. Once we’ve done that, we can attach an event handler to it. In this case, the event handler is called onMouseDown. Whenever the user clicks the mouse, the function we’ve attached to this handler is invoked. This is a very important point to understand. In our previous code, the code ran right away: we refreshed the browser, and the green circles appeared automatically. That is not happening here: if it were, it would draw a single green circle somewhere on the screen. Instead, the code contained between the curly braces after function is executed only when the user clicks the mouse on the canvas.

The event handler is doing two things for you: it is executing your code when the mouse is clicked, and it is telling you where the mouse was clicked. That location is stored in a property of the argument, event.point, which has two properties, x and y, indicating where the mouse was clicked.

Note that we could save ourselves a little typing by passing the point directly to the circle (instead of passing the x and y coordinates separately):

var c = Shape.Circle(event.point, 20);

This highlights a very important aspect of JavaScript: it’s able to ascertain information about the variables that are passed in. In the previous case, if it sees three numbers in a row, it knows that they represent the x and y coordinates and the radius. If it sees two arguments, it knows that the first one is a point object, and the second one is the radius. We’ll learn more about this in Chapters 6 and 9.

Hello, World

Let’s conclude this chapter with a manifestation of Brian Kernighan’s 1972 example. We’ve already done all the heavy lifting: all that remains is to add the text. Before your onMouseDown handler, add the following:

var c = Shape.Circle(200, 200, 80);
c.fillColor = 'black';
var text = new PointText(200, 200);
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = 'white';
text.fontSize = 20;
text.content = 'hello world';

This addition is fairly straightforward: we create another circle, which will be a backdrop for our text, and then we actually create the text object (PointText). We specify where to draw it (the center of the screen) and some additional properties (justification, color, and size). Lastly, we specify the actual text contents (“hello world”).

Note that this is not the first time we emitted text with JavaScript: we did that first with console.log earlier in this chapter. We certainly could have changed that text to “hello world.” In many ways, that would be more analogous to the experience you would have had in 1972, but the point of the example is not the text or how it’s rendered: the point is that you’re creating something autonomous, which has observable effects.

By refreshing your browser with this code, you are participating in a venerable tradition of “Hello, World” examples. If this is your first “Hello, World,” let me welcome you to the club. If it is not, I hope that this example has given you some insight into JavaScript.

1 I hope you have more compassion for your creations than Dr. Frankenstein—and fare better.

2 Microsoft’s terminology.

3 You will learn more about the difference between a function and a method in Chapter 9.

4 If you want to learn more about CSS and HTML, I recommend the Codecademy’s free HTML & CSS track.

5 Technical reviewer Matt Inman suggested that the Paper.js developers might have been Photoshop users familiar with “hand tool,” “direct selection tool,” and so on.

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