Chapter 1. The Money Problem

I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Our development environment is ready. In this chapter, we’ll learn the three phases that support test-driven development. We’ll then write our first code feature using test-driven development.

Red-Green-Refactor: The Building Blocks of TDD

Test-driven development follows a three-phase process:

  1. Red. We write a failing test (including possible compilation failures). We run the test suite to verify the failing tests.

  2. Green. We write just enough production code to make the test green. We run the test suite to verify this.

  3. Refactor. We remove any code smells. These may be due to duplication, hardcoded values, or improper use of language idioms (e.g., using a verbose loop instead of a built-in iterator). If we break any tests during refactoring, we prioritize getting them back to green before exiting this phase.

This is the red-green-refactor (RGR) cycle, shown in Figure 1-1. The three phases of this cycle are the essential building blocks of test-driven development. All the code we’ll develop in this book will follow this cycle.

The Red Green Refactor (RGR) cycle. Red: write a failing test. Green: write just enough production code to pass the test. Refactor: remove code smells, e.g. duplication or poor design, without adding new features.
Figure 1-1. The red-green-refactor cycle is the foundation on which test-driven development rests

The three phases of the red-green-refactor cycle are the essential building blocks of TDD.

What’s the Problem?

We have a money problem. No, not the kind that almost everyone has: not having enough of it! It’s more of a “we want to keep track of our money” problem.

Say we have to build a spreadsheet to manage money in more than one currency, perhaps to manage a stock portfolio.

Stock Stock exchange Shares Share price Total




124 USD

12400 USD




75 EUR

30000 EUR




68000 KRW

20400000 KRW

To build this spreadsheet, we’d need to do simple arithmetic operations on numbers in any one currency:

5 USD × 2 = 10 USD

10 EUR × 2 = 20 EUR

4002 KRW / 4 = 1000.5 KRW

We’d also like to convert between currencies. For example, if exchanging 1 EUR gets us 1.2 USD, and exchanging 1 USD gets us 1100 KRW:

5 USD + 10 EUR = 17 USD

1 USD + 1100 KRW = 2200 KRW

Each of the aforementioned line items will be one (teeny tiny) feature that we’ll implement using TDD. We already have several features to implement. In order to help us focus on one thing at a time, we’ll highlight the feature we’re working on in bold. When we’re done with a feature, we’ll signal our satisfaction by crossing it out.

So where should we start? In case the title of this book isn’t an obvious giveaway, we’ll start by writing a test.

Our First Failing Test

Let’s start by implementing the very first feature in our list:

5 USD × 2 = 10 USD

10 EUR × 2 = 20 EUR

4002 KRW / 4 = 1000.5 KRW

5 USD + 10 EUR = 17 USD

1 USD + 1100 KRW = 2200 KRW

We’ll start by writing a failing test, corresponding to the red phase of the RGR cycle.


In a new file called money_test.go in the go folder, let’s write our first test:

package main 1

import (
    "testing" 2

func TestMultiplication(t *testing.T) { 3
    fiver := Dollar{ 4
        amount: 5,
    tenner := fiver.Times(2) 5
    if tenner.amount != 10 { 6
        t.Errorf("Expected 10, got: [%d]", tenner.amount) 7

Package declaration


Imported “testing” package, used in t.Errorf later


Our test method, which must start with Test and have one *testing.T argument


Struct representing “USD 5.” Dollar does not exist yet


Method under test: Times—which also does not exist yet


Comparing actual value with expected value


Ensuring test fails if expected value is not equal to actual value

This test function includes a bit of boilerplate code.

The package main declares that all ensuing code is part of the main package. This is a requirement for standalone executable Go programs. Package management is a sophisticated feature in Go. It’s discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.

Next, we import the testing package using the import statement. This package will be used in the unit test.

The unit test function is the bulk of the code. We declare an entity representing “5 USD.” This is the variable named fiver, which we initialize to a struct holding 5 in its amount field. Then, we multiply fiver by 2. And we expect the result to be 10 dollars, i.e., a variable tenner whose amount field must equal 10. If this isn’t the case, we print a nicely formatted error message with the actual value (whatever that may be).

When we run this test using “go test -v .” from the TDD Project Root folder, we should get an error:

... undefined: Dollar
FAIL	tdd [build failed]

We get the message loud and clear: that’s our first failing test!


go test -v .” runs the tests in the current folder, and “go test -v ./...1 runs tests in the current folder and any subfolders. The -v switch produces verbose output.


In a new file called test_money.js in the js folder, let’s write our first test:

const assert = require('assert'); 1

let fiver = new Dollar(5); 2
let tenner = fiver.times(2); 3
assert.strictEqual(tenner.amount, 10); 4

Importing the assert package, needed for the assertion later


Object representing “USD 5.” Dollar does not exist yet


Method under test: times—which also does not exist yet


Comparing actual value with expected value in a strictEqual assert statement

JavaScript has minimal boilerplate code—the only line in addition to the test code is the require statement. This gives us access to the assert NPM package.

After that line are the three lines of code that form our test. We create an object representing 5 USD, we multiply it by 2, and we expect the result to be 10.


ES2015 introduced the let keyword for declaring variables and the const keyword to declare constants.

When we run this code from the TDD Project Root folder using node js/test_money.js, we should get an error that starts like this:

ReferenceError: Dollar is not defined

That’s our first failing test. Hooray!


node file.js runs the JavaScript code in file.js and produces output. We use this command to run our tests.


In a new file called in the py folder, let’s write our first test:

import unittest 1

class TestMoney(unittest.TestCase): 2
  def testMultiplication(self): 3
    fiver = Dollar(5) 4
    tenner = fiver.times(2) 5
    self.assertEqual(10, tenner.amount) 6

if __name__ == '__main__': 7

Importing the unittest package, needed for the TestCase superclass.


Our test class, which must subclass the unittest.TestCase class.


Our method name must start with test to qualify as a test method.


Object representing “USD 5.” Dollar does not exist yet.


Method under test: times—which also does not exist yet.


Comparing actual value with expected value in an assertEqual statement.


The main idiom ensures this class can be run as a script.

Python requires importing the unittest package, creating a class that subclasses TestCase, and defining a function whose name starts with test. To be able to run the class as a standalone program, we need the common Python idiom that runs the unittest.main() function when is run directly.

The test function describes how we expect our code to work. We define a variable named fiver and initialize it to a desired (but yet-to-be-created) class Dollar with 5 as a constructor argument. We then multiply fiver by 2 and store the result in a variable tenner. Finally, we expect the amount in tenner to be 10.

When we run this code from the TDD_PROJECT_ROOT folder using python3 py/ -v, we get an error:

NameError: name 'Dollar' is not defined

That’s our first failing test. Hooray!


python3 -v runs the Python code in and produces verbose output. We use this command to run our tests.

Going for Green

We wrote our tests as we would expect them to work, blithely ignoring all syntax errors for the moment. Is this smart?

In the very beginning—which is where we are—it is smart to start with the smallest bit of code that sets us on the path to progress. Of course our tests fail because we haven’t defined what Dollar is. This may seem the perfect time to say “Duh!” However, a wee bit of patience is warranted for these two reasons:

  1. We have just finished the first step—getting to red—of our first test. Not only is this the beginning, it’s the very beginning of the beginning.

  2. We can (and will) speed up the increments as we go along. However, it’s important to know that we can slow down when we need to.

The next phase in the RGR cycle is to get to green.

It’s clear we need to introduce an abstraction Dollar. This section defines how to introduce this, and other abstractions, to get our test to pass.


Add an empty Dollar struct to the end of money_test.go.

type Dollar struct {

When we run the test now, we get a new error:

... unknown field 'amount' in struct literal of type Dollar


The error message is directing us to introduce a field named amount in our Dollar struct. So let’s do this, using an int data type for now (which is sufficient for our goal):

type Dollar struct {
    amount int

Adding the Dollar struct, rather predictably, gets us to the next error:

... fiver.Times undefined (type Dollar has no field or method Times)

We see a pattern here: when there is something (a field or method) that’s undefined, we get this undefined error from the Go runtime. We will use this information to speed up our TDD cycles in the future. For now, let’s add a function named Times. We know, from how we wrote our test, that this function needs to take a number (the multiplier) and return another number (the result).

But how should we calculate the result? We know basic arithmetic: how to multiply two numbers. But if we were to write the simplest code that works, we’d be justified in always returning the result that our test expects, that is, a struct representing 10 dollars:

func (d Dollar) Times(multiplier int) Dollar {
    return Dollar{10}

When we run our code now, we should get a short and sweet response on our terminal:

=== RUN   TestMultiplication
--- PASS: TestMultiplication (0.00s)

That’s the magic word: we made our test PASS!


In test_money.js, right after the const assert = require('assert'); line, define an empty class named Dollar:

class Dollar {

When we run the test_money.js file now, we get an error:

TypeError: fiver.times is not a function

Progress! The error clearly states that there is no function named times defined for the object named fiver. So let’s introduce it inside the Dollar class:

class Dollar {
    times(multiplier) {

Running the test now produces a new error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'amount') 1

This message is from Node.js v16; v14 produces a slightly different error message

Our test expects an object with a property amount. Since we’re not returning anything from our times method, the return value is undefined, which does not have an amount property (or any other property, for that matter).


In the JavaScript language, functions and methods do not explicitly declare any return types. If we examine the result of a function that returns nothing, we’ll find the return value is undefined.

So how should we make our test go green? What’s the simplest thing that could work? How about if we always create an object representing 10 USD and return it?

Let’s try it out. We add a constructor that initializes objects to a given amount and a times method that obstinately creates and returns “10 USD” objects:

class Dollar {
    constructor(amount) { 1
        this.amount = amount; 2

    times(multiplier) { 3
        return new Dollar(10); 4

The constructor function is called whenever a Dollar object is created.


Initialize the this.amount variable to the given parameter.


The times method takes a parameter.


Simple implementation: always return 10 dollars.

When we run our code now, we should get no errors. This is our first green test!


Because strictEqual and other methods in the assert package only produce output when the assertions fail, a successful test run will be quite silent with no output. We’ll improve this behavior in Chapter 6.


Since 'Dollar' is not defined, let’s define it in before our TestMoney class:

class Dollar:

When we run our code now, we get an error:

TypeError: Dollar() takes no arguments

Progress! The error is clearly telling us that there is currently no way to initialize Dollar objects with any arguments, such as the 5 and 10 we have in our code. So let’s fix this by providing the briefest possible initializer:

class Dollar:
  def __init__(self, amount):

Now the error message from our test changes:

AttributeError: 'Dollar' object has no attribute 'times'

We see a pattern here: our test is still failing, but for slightly different reasons each time. As we define our abstractions—first Dollar and then an amount field—the error messages “improve” to the next stage. This is a hallmark of TDD: steady progress at a pace we control.

Let’s speed things up a bit by defining a times function and giving it the minimum behavior to get to green. What’s the minimum behavior necessary? Always returning a “ten dollar” object that’s required by our test, of course!

class Dollar:
  def __init__(self, amount): 1
    self.amount = amount 2

  def times(self, multiplier): 3
    return Dollar(10) 4

The __init__ function is called whenever a Dollar object is created.


Initialize the self.amount variable to the given parameter.


The times method takes a parameter.


Simple implementation entails always returning 10 dollars.

When we run our test now, we get a short and sweet response:

Ran 1 test in 0.000s


It’s possible that the test may not run in 0.000s, but let’s not lose sight of the magic word OK. This is our first green test!

Cleaning Up

Do you feel bemused that we got to green by hardcoding “10 USD” in our tests? Fret not: the refactoring stage allows us to address this discomfort by teasing out how we can remove the hardcoded and duplicated value of “10 USD.”

Refactor is the third and final stage of the RGR cycle. We may not have many lines of code at this point; however, it’s still important to keep things tidy and compact. If we have any formatting clutter or commented-out lines of code, now is the time to clean it up.

More significant is the need to remove duplication and make code readable. At first blush, it may seem that in the 20 or so lines of code we’ve written, there can’t be any duplication. However, there is already a subtle yet significant bit of duplication.

We can find this duplication by noticing a couple of quirks within our code:

  1. We have written just enough code to verify that “doubling 5 dollars should give us 10 dollars.” If we decide to change our existing test to say “doubling 10 dollars should give us 20 dollars”—an equally sensible statement—we will have to change both our test and our Dollar code. There is a dependency, a logical coupling, between the two segments of code. In general, coupling of this kind should be avoided.

  2. In both our test and our code, we had the magic number 10. Where did we come up with that? We obviously did the math in our heads. We realize that doubling 5 dollars should give us 10 dollars. So we wrote 10 in both our test and in our Dollar code. We should realize that the 10 in the Dollar entity is really 5 * 2. This realization would allow us to remove this duplication.

Duplicated code is often the symptom of some underlying problem: a missing code abstraction or bad coupling between different parts of the code.2

Let’s remove the duplication and thereby get rid of the coupling as well.


Replace the 10 in the Times function by its equivalent 5 * 2:

func (d Dollar) Times(multiplier int) Dollar {
    return Dollar{5 * 2}

The test should still be green.

Writing it this way makes us realize the missing abstraction. The hardcoded 5 is really d.amount, and the 2 is the multiplier. Replacing these hardcoded numbers with the correct variables gives us the non-trivial implementation:

func (d Dollar) Times(multiplier int) Dollar {
    return Dollar{d.amount * multiplier}

Yay! The test still passes, and we have removed the duplication and the coupling.

There is one final bit of cleanup.

In our test, we explicitly used the field name amount when initializing a Dollar struct. It’s also possible to omit field names when initializing a struct, as we did in our Times method.3 Either style—using explicit names or not using them—works. However, it’s important to be consistent. Let’s change the Times function to specify the field name:

func (d Dollar) Times(multiplier int) Dollar {
    return Dollar{amount: d.amount * multiplier}

Remember to run go fmt ./... periodically to fix any formatting issues in code.


Let’s replace the 10 in the times method by its equivalent 5 * 2:

    times(multiplier) {
        return new Dollar(5 * 2);

The test should still be green.

The missing abstraction is now clear. We can replace 5 with this.amount and 2 with multiplier:

    times(multiplier) {
        return new Dollar(this.amount * multiplier);

Yay! The test is still green, and we have eliminated both the duplicated 10 and the coupling.


Let’s replace the 10 in the times method by its equivalent 5 * 2:

  def times(self, multiplier):
    return Dollar(5 * 2)

The test stays green, as expected.

This reveals the underlying abstraction. The 5 is really self.amount and the 2 is the multiplier:

  def times(self, multiplier):
    return Dollar(self.amount * multiplier)

Hooray! The test remains green, and the duplication and the coupling are gone.

Committing Our Changes

We have finished our first feature using TDD. Lest we forget, it’s important to commit our code to our version control repository at frequent intervals.

A green test is an excellent place to commit code.

In a shell window, let’s type these two commands:

git add . 1
git commit -m "feat: first green test" 2

Add all files, including all changes in them, to the Git index.


Commit the Git index to the repository with the given message.

Assuming code for all three languages exists in the correct folders, we should get a message like this.

[main (root-commit) bb31b94] feat: first green test 1
 4 files changed, 56 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 go/go.mod
 create mode 100644 go/money_test.go
 create mode 100644 js/test_money.js
 create mode 100644 py/

The hex number, bb31b94, represents the first several digits of the unique “SHA hash” associated with the commit. It will be different for every person (and every commit).

This indicates that all our files are safely in our Git version control repository. We can verify this by executing the git log command on our shell, which should produce output similar to the following:

commit bb31b94e90029ddeeee89f3ca0fe099ea7556603 (HEAD -> main) 1
Author: Saleem Siddiqui ...
Date:   Sun Mar 7 12:26:06 2021 -0600

    feat: first green test 2

This is the first commit, with its full SHA hash.


This is the message we typed for our first commit.

It’s important to realize that the Git repository to which we have committed our code also resides on our local filesystem. (It’s inside the .git folder under our TDD_PROJECT_ROOT). While this doesn’t save us from accidental coffee spills on our computer (always use lids), it does provide assurance that we can go back to a previous known good version if we get tangled up somewhere. In Chapter 13, we’ll push all our code to a GitHub repository.

We’ll use this strategy of committing our code to our local Git repository in each chapter, using the same set of commands.


We’ll use the two commands git add . and git commit -m _commit message_ to frequently commit our code in each chapter.

The only thing that’ll vary is the commit message, which will follow the semantic commit style and include a short, one-line description of the changes.


The git commit messages in this book follow the semantic commit style.

Where We Are

This chapter introduced test-driven development by showing the very first red-green-refactor cycle. With our first tiny feature successfully implemented, let’s cross it off. Here’s where we are in our feature list:

5 USD × 2 = 10 USD

10 EUR × 2 = 20 EUR

4002 KRW / 4 = 1000.5 KRW

5 USD + 10 EUR = 17 USD

1 USD + 1100 KRW = 2200 KRW

Let’s take a moment to review and savor our code before we move on to the next challenge. The source code for all three languages is reproduced below. It’s also accessible in the GitHub repository. For the sake of brevity, future chapters will list the corresponding branch name only.


Here’s how the file money_test.go looks right now:

package main

import (

func TestMultiplication(t *testing.T) {
    fiver := Dollar{amount: 5}
    tenner := fiver.Times(2)
    if tenner.amount != 10 {
        t.Errorf("Expected 10, got: [%d]", tenner.amount)

type Dollar struct {
    amount int

func (d Dollar) Times(multiplier int) Dollar {
    return Dollar{amount: d.amount * multiplier}


Here’s how the test_money.js file looks at this point:

const assert = require('assert');

class Dollar {
    constructor(amount) {
      this.amount = amount;

    times(multiplier) {
        return new Dollar(this.amount * multiplier);

let fiver = new Dollar(5);
let tenner = fiver.times(2);
assert.strictEqual(tenner.amount, 10);


Here’s how the file looks right now:

import unittest

class Dollar:
  def __init__(self, amount):
    self.amount = amount

  def times(self, multiplier):
    return Dollar(self.amount * multiplier)

class TestMoney(unittest.TestCase):
  def testMultiplication(self):
    fiver = Dollar(5)
    tenner = fiver.times(2)
    self.assertEqual(10, tenner.amount)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The code for this chapter is in a branch named “chap01” in the GitHub repository. There is a branch for each chapter in which code is developed.

In Chapter 2, we’ll speed things up by building out a couple more features.

1 The three dots in “go test -v ./...” and “go fmt ./...” are to be typed literally; these are the only instances in this book where they do not stand for omitted code!

2 Kent Beck’s opinion is worth quoting here: “If dependency is the problem, duplication is the symptom.”

3 If there are multiple fields in the struct—which currently there are not—then either the order of the fields must be the same in both struct definition and initialization or field names must be specified during struct initialization. See

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