© Paul Redmond 2016

Paul Redmond, Lumen Programming Guide, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2187-7_5

5. Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting Books

Paul Redmond

(1)Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Now that you have a Books model, you are well-equipped to handle the management of books. You will continue to follow your test-driven development workflow as you complete the remaining CRUD operations of the /books API.

Listing 5-1 shows a quick refresher of your /books RESTful endpoints.

Listing 5-1. Basic REST /books Resource
GET    /books       Get all the booksPOST   /books       Create a new bookGET    /books/{id}  Get a bookPUT    /books/{id}  Update a bookDELETE /books/{id}  Delete a book

Requesting an Individual Book

You are going to start off with the GET /books/{id} ...

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