

Abbott, Pamela, 278n

Accessibility, 365367

Accuracy, 364365

Acharya, Parul, 97n

Activity-based costing (ABC), 226227

Activity streams, 113

Adaptability, 187188

Agarwal, S., 84n

Agile business processes, 142143

Agile development, 306308

Crystal, 306

Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), 306307

Feature-Driven Development, 306

Rapid Application Development (RAD), 306

Scrum, 306

XP (Extreme Programming), 306

Allocation funding method, 224225

complaints about, 224225, 2, 26

American LaFrance (ALF), 159

Analytical capabilities maturity levels, 342

Andrews, Lori, 360n, 363

Angwin, Jula, 361n

Appian BPM product, 147148

Applegate, L., 264n, 312n

Applegate, L. M., 83n

Applications, 172

Archetypes, IT governance, 242, 244

Architecture, 18, 167196

architectural principles, 180

basic components to be considered, 172

building vs. IT, 168

capacity-on-demand, 177

cloud computing, 183185

common configurations of architecture, 173

enterprise architecture (EA), 180183

existing architecture, understanding, 185186

financial issues, assessing, 190192

leap from strategy to architecture to infrastructure, 170177

manager's role, 169170

‘One-VA’ architecture, 176

strategic timeframe, assessing, 186187

technical issues, assessing, 187188

virtualization, 183185

from vision to implementation, 168170

Web-based architectures, 176

Ashford, Warwick, 237n

Assumptions, ...

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