Chapter 3. Pulsar

In Chapter 2, we discussed the motivation for a system like Apache Pulsar: namely, a system that handles both the event stream and pub/sub patterns seamlessly. I provided sufficient evidence for the utility of a system like Pulsar and provided a historical backdrop for asynchronous messaging. We did not, however, cover how Pulsar came into existence. To begin this chapter on the design principles and use cases for Pulsar, it’s worth understanding how exactly the system came to be.

Origins of Pulsar

In 2013, Yahoo! reported having 800 million active users across its services. At the time, Yahoo! provided services for email, photo storage, news, social media, chat, and fantasy sports, among others. From an infrastructure perspective, Yahoo! felt it needed to address some of its underlying architecture decisions to meet users’ demands and continue to build its world-class services. The messaging architecture used at Yahoo! was thought to be the most important area for improvement. In the company’s service-oriented architecture, the messaging system helped all components scale and provided the low-latency primitives to simplify scalability across all services (see Figure 3-1). Following are the most critical aspects for the new messaging platform to meet:

Yahoo! worked with queues, publish/subscribe, and streaming, and wanted its messaging platform to handle these use cases seamlessly.
Yahoo! was accustomed to 99.999% reliability, and the ...

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