Additional EAP 7 features

Some new features related to the domain mode are currently being developed at the time of writing. We would like to mention connectivity with EAP 6 legacy host controllers, hierarchical profiles, and profile cloning, which are already available in the current release of EAP 7.

Connecting EAP 6 host controllers to an EAP 7 domain controller

The migration process from EAP 6 to EAP 7 might now be so immediate for large enterprises. As a matter of fact, a cohabitation of legacy EAP 6 host controllers in an EAP 7 domain would be needed in many cases. The main challenges for this hybrid approach are the following ones:

  • EAP 6 host controllers are not aware of subsystems introduced in EAP 7 (such as the batch subsystem, for example). ...

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