
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


actors, motion capture

body tracking. See body tracking

exporting captured motion to Maya, 238246, 239

face tracking, 231235, 232235

overview of, 213214

stage setup, 218219, 218219

suits, 214217, 214217

using multiple cameras to shoot, 212213, 213

Add Attribute option dialog box, sweat, 169, 169


in character pipeline, 2

computer graphics characters implying, 45, 5

facial, 3637, 3637

placing face markers based on human, 216, 217

replicating human, 2

anchor point, muscle, 36

Animation Import Options, FBX, 33, 33

Animation options, FBX, 3132, 3132


body tracking, ...

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