

  1. Active microfluidic droplet generator (µDG), 173

  2. Active pumps, 222

  3. A/D converter, 145146

  4. Adherent cells, physical properties of, 126

  5. Affinity-based electrochemical DNA sensors, 24

    1. label-based, 35

    2. label-free, 35

    3. performance measures, 24

  6. Affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, rapid and robust, equipment-free, and deliverable to users (ASSURED), 156

  7. AFM, See Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

  8. Agarose droplet-based SCGA technology, 188189, 197

    1. agarose droplet generation, 190

    2. cell culture and preparation, 189190

    3. emulsion PCR, 190191

    4. fluorescence imaging, 191

    5. for genetic detection and multilocus sequencing, of single mammalian cells, 188189

      1. genome purification, 191193

      2. single-cell encapsulation, 191192

    6. method, defined, 188

    7. multiplexed single-cell ...

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