Low Coefficient Accurate Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeter Wave Nonlinear Transmitter Power Amplifier Behavioural Models
1.1 Introduction
The new modified Bessel–Fourier (MBF) nonlinear RF power amplifier (PA) memoryless behavioural model is fully derived and its attributes explored and described in this chapter. Its performance is compared most favourably with the other main competing models. Effectively it is shown in this chapter to be the model of choice when it comes to microwave and millimetre wave memoryless PA behavioural modelling.
This new model originated from efforts to find low order models with better model accuracy than that attainable from Bessel–Fourier (BF), itself along with the modified Saleh (MS) model being among the best memoryless small to large signal PA behavioural models in use today [1–6]. Good low order models are desirable in certain situations, such as where model parameters need to be constantly recomputed as, for example, in adaptive predistortion linearizers of PAs with linear memory [7–11] or in simulations of large multicarrier and/or multiband subsystem simulations containing nonlinear PAs. For these latter situations – a single orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) air interface would be a common ...