AA (angular aberration), 95
angular, 95
balancing, 60–66
chromatic, 63–64
conversion to wavefront deformation, 601–603
Cooke triplet anastigmats, 203
higher-order, 101
intrinsic, 96
relationship between, 5–6
seidel, 13
seventh-order, 101
source of, 4–5
third-order, 13
[see also Spherical aberration(s); Third-order aberrations]
Aberration plots, 90–92
Achromat, 125
Achromatic diffractive doublets, 149–150
Achromatic diffractive singlets, 148–149
Additive tolerances, 578–583
Aerial image modulation (AIM) curve, 82
Amici objective, 444
Anastigmats (see Cooke triplet anastigmats; Double-meniscus ...
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