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Chapter 10. DB2 Development Tools
As you modernize your business logic with SQL and DB2 UDB database definitions, you
should also consider modernizing your development tools.
iSeries developers are familiar with tools such as Source Entry Utility (SEU), and the iSeries
Developer Roadmap introduces modern development tools such as WebSphere
Development Studio Client for iSeries. It not only supports new technology like Java, Web, or
XML development, but also traditional RPG, COBOL, and so on.
In this chapter, we also introduce you to several interesting graphical tools such as:
򐂰 The graphical iSeries System debugger. This state-of-the-art debugger lets the
developers debug programs that run on an iSeries server.
򐂰 DB2 Query Management Facility (QMF™). The graphical query tool, which can help the
end users work with queries without knowledge of SQL syntax.
򐂰 iSeries Navigator.
򐂰 WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSc).

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