
Most of the stored programs you write will include one or more parameters. Parameters make stored programs much more flexible and therefore more useful. Next, let’s create a stored procedure that accepts parameters.

Executing the stored procedure in the Query Browser
Figure 2-4. Executing the stored procedure in the Query Browser

The stored procedure shown in Figure 2-6 accepts an integer parameter, input_number, and calculates the square root of that number. The resulting number is returned as a result set.

Place parameters within parentheses that are located immediately after the name of the stored procedure. Each parameter has a name, a data type, and, optionally, a mode. Valid modes are IN (read-only), INOUT (read-write), and OUT (write-only). No parameter mode appears in Figure 2-6, because IN is the default and this is an IN parameter.

We’ll take a closer look at parameter modes following this example.

In addition to the parameter, this stored procedure introduces two other features of MySQL stored programs:


A statement used to create local variables for use in the stored program. In this case, we create a floating-point number called l_sqrt.

Examples of variables in stored procedures
Figure 2-5. Examples of variables in stored procedures

A statement used to assign a value to a variable. In this case, we assign the square root of our input parameter (using ...

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