

3-P Strategies

ask questions, 68, 162

pace yourself, 69, 71. See also pacing.

percolate, 66–68. See also percolating.

prep, 65. See also prepping.


acknowledging event staff, 78

action bingo, 137–138

adult beverages at networking events, 79

arguments during job search interviews, 114

arm-folding exercise, 54–56

arriving early for networking events, 76

“as if” reframing, 130–132

asking questions, 68, 162

attire for networking events, 76

authenticity, 62–63

author of this book, qualifications, 8–9


baby boomers, generational variances, 58–59

bartending, 93

being approachable at networking events, 77

being chill, 168

being gracious at networking ...

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