Failure, e185
failure–charged–reanalysis, e235–238
mode criterion, e254
Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), e289–290
ambient environment, e204–206
life reliability analysis, e220–226
reliability analysis, e215–220
stress amplitude calculation, e204–213
Fault movement, 696–698, 697f
Fault tree analysis (FTA), e256–257, e267
accident and safety analysis
development prediction of accident, e281
optimization of security measures, e279–281, e280t
PHA, e283
accident tree, e273f
Boolean algebra application, e272–274
drawing methods for, e271–272
fault trees and, e267–269
minimal cut set, e274–276
minimal radius set, e276–277
pressure vessel accident tree, e269f
quantitative analysis, e277–279
of submarine pipelines, e284, e285f
accident impact analysis, e289–290 ...

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