Wagner, Richard H., 625
Wagner, S., 626
Walker, Sarah, 250
Wallace, Thomas F., 623
Wallingford, Jeff, 625
Walters, Donald, 622
Walton, Robert Sroufe, 625
Wani, Akash P., 625
Ward, Peter T., 619
Watt, James, 4
Wei, Y., 626
Weig, Florian, 624
Weske, Mathias, 620
Weston Jr., R. C. (Ted), 623
Whitney, Eli, 4
Wilcock, Anne E., 620
Willcocks, L., 624
Williams, Janet, 242
Williams, T. A., 623
Williams, Wayne, 242
Williams-Timme, Christine, 622
Wilson, Jim, 619
Winston, Wayne L., 623
Wiseman, Paul, 619
Wolf, John, 594
Womack, James P., 619
Wood, Craig, 619
Wouters, M., 624
Wright, Linda, 622
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