Radnor, Zoe J., B6
Rahman, Anisur, B6
Raiffa, H., B6
Raman, A., 495n
Rangaswami, M. R., B2
Rao, Tom, 674
Reeves, Martin, B2
Reich, Robert, 416
Reinhardt, Gilles, B5
Renouf, E., B7
Richardson, D. J., 409
Robidoux, L., B6
Roche, K., B7
Rolewicz, Jamie, 408
Roodbergen, Kees Jan, B4
Rosenfield, D. B., B1
Rossetti, Manuel D., B7
Roth, Aleda V., B2
Roth, H. P., B3
Rothfeder, Jeffry, B1
Roubellat, F., B6
Roy, Anjan, B3
Rubalcaba, L., B1
Rubin, Paul A., B5
Rudberg, Martin, B1
Rugtusanatham, M. Johnny, B3
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