

abstraction, 120, 338

acronyms, 631–637

Active Data Guard (ADG), 95

Active Management Servlets, 166, 176, 190

Active Session History (ASH), 428

Active/Passive mode, 83

ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitoring), 428

ADG (Active Data Guard), 95

administration. See also database management; management

backups. See backups

EM system, 402

in Grid Control, 419–446

links to common functions, 420–421

targets, 9, 244

Administration pages, 172–176


changing passwords, 234–237

changing preferred credentials, 237

common mistakes, 238–239

defining, 258–262

described, 640

email address, 261

Enterprise Administrators, 10, 24, 45

Grid Control, 6, 9–10

management tasks, 234–238

overseers, 258

removing users, 238

super-users, 60,

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