subject index

Note: Page numbers with “f” indicate figures; those with “t” indicate tables


ABC framework, 75

Abilities, 50

Accommodation approach, to natural environment, 32f, 33

Achievement, desire for, 96, 97104

conventional approach to, 97

expectancy theory and, 1014, 101f

goal-setting theory and, 97101

perspectives on, 97t

sustainable approach to, 99101

Achievement-oriented leadership, 200

Actor-observer bias, 80

Adhocracy culture, 29798, 297f, 299f

Adjourning, 221

Administrative appraisals, 324

Administrative inertia, 129

Administrative model method, 121f, 123

Affective commitments, 77


conventional approach to, 106

desire for, 96, 106

perspectives on, 97t

sustainable approach to, 106

Agreeableness, 51, 52, 52t

Analyzer type of organization, 308

Anchoring and adjustment bias, 79, 123t, 175

Appreciative Inquiry (AI), 355

Approaches to organizational behavior, 610

description of, 78, 9t

ideal type, 910

“triple bottom line,” 8

Aspiration point, 176

Association, 28

Attitudes, 69f, 7576

defined, 75

job satisfaction and, 7576

organizational change and, 357f, 35859

Attraction, organizational culture and, 294

Attributes of individuals, 4463, 47f

abilities, 50

beliefs, 5556

conventional approach to, 48, 5253, 56f

core self-evaluation, 5355

diversity, 4749

generational differences in, 49

personality, 5053

sustainable approach to, 4849, 5253, 56

values, 5658, 57f

Attributions, 78

Attrition, organizational culture and, 294

Authenticity, 141

Authentic leadership, ...

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