How to do it...

  1. Now that we know how to select plotting elements and change their attributes, let's actually create a data visualization. Let's read in the movie dataset, calculate the median budget for each year, and then find the five year rolling average to smooth the data:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')>>> med_budget = movie.groupby('title_year')['budget'].median() / 1e6>>> med_budget_roll = med_budget.rolling(5, min_periods=1).mean()>>> med_budget_roll.tail()title_year
2012.0    20.893
2013.0    19.893
2014.0    19.100
2015.0    17.980
2016.0    17.780
Name: budget, dtype: float64
  1. Let's get our data into NumPy arrays:
>>> years = med_budget_roll.index.values>>> years[-5:]array([ 2012.,  2013.,  2014.,  2015.,  2016.])>>> budget = med_budget_roll.values ...

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