

action plans, 101, 116, 252-253
debriefing meeting and, 116
in paper prototyping project, 101
tips for, 253
affinity diagrams, 248-250
defined, 248
illustrated, 248
process, 248-250
See also debriefing meeting
alignment, 276
“Amelia Bedelia” problem, 65-66
animation/video simulation, 86
disagreements based on, 66
mistaken, 25, 77
task, 130
audience, this book, 15-17
author background, 17-18


browser, 76-78
creating, 74-80
defined, 74-75
reasons for using, 75
small-screen interface, 78-80
software application, 75-76
videotaping and, 75
beeps, simulating, 86
bias, 292-309
bugs, 301
data analysis/reporting, 299-300
defined, 285
effect direction, 306
effect magnitude, 306
examining, 305-309
facilitator, 298-299

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