
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables.

A3967SLB bipolar stepper motor, 609
Ab function, 47
Access methods, Ethernet, 510–513
e-mail, 512
using custom application, 512
using HyperTerminal, 511
using web browser on PC, 511, 511f
Acos function, 48
Action commands, 339
Active RFID tags, 370
ADC_Get_Sample function, 504, 535
ADC_Init function, 503–504
Adc_Read(0) function, 131–136, 144–146
Alarm clock, real-time, 436–439, 436f–438f, 440f
Altimeter display on GLCDs, 490–501, 491f, 493f, 495f–496f, 501f
Arbitrary waveform generation, 229–234, 232f–233f, 235f
Arrays, 12–13
character, 12–13
Asin function, 48
Assembly language
instructions, 45
Assembly program, 2
Atan function, 48
Atan2 function, 48
Automotive project, See CAN bus

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