
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


AC transformer, 6
AC transmission lines, 267
AC-DC-AC converters, 340
Acid rain, 15, 16–17
Activation energy, 153
Advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR), 417
Advanced gas turbine cycles, 82–83
efficiency of, 83–84
intercooling in, 83–85
mass injection in, 86
recuperation in, 85–86
reheating in, 83
Advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs), 402, 413, 413f
Advanced PWR (APWR), 419
Aero-derivative gas turbine, 85
Agricultural waste, 351, 356
Air pollution, 15
Air quality standards, 53t
Alabama Electric Cooperative, 229
Alkaline fuel ...

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