© Karan Singh Garewal 2020
K. S. GarewalPractical Blockchains and Cryptocurrencieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5893-4_6

6. The Constructor’s Guide to Blockchains

Karan Singh Garewal1 
Toronto, ON, Canada

In the last few chapters, we have studied some of the mathematical concepts of cryptography which are pertinent to blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Now that we have all of this arcane theory in our heads, we are now ready to move to the heart of the matter, the construction of blockchain and cryptocurrency applications.

In this chapter and the chapters that follow, we will examine the components which are required to build blockchain applications. Components such as blockchains, Merkle trees, peer-to-peer networks, transactions, mining, ...

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