

2-D-Tensor 118

4-D-Tensor 80


Active Learning 34

Adam-Optimierer 137

Addition 101

Aktivierungsfunktion 12, 116

Alexa X, 47

AlexNet 27, 154, 192

Algorithmen 1, 9

Alphabet 41

AlphaGo 37

Amazon CloudFormation 35, 48

Amazon Echo 51

Amazon Lex 51

Amazon Polly 49

Amazon Web Services 4, 163

AMPLab 179

Apple 35

Arcade Learning Environment 32

Artisto 147

AutoDraw 40

automatische Diagnose 2

Autoscaling 176

Average Pooling 121

AWS 176

AWS-Account 164

AWS-Management-Konsole 205

Axon 11


Backpropagation 17

Backpropagation of Error 17

Backpropagation-Algorithmus 19

Baidu 45

Baidu Research 45

Batchsize 150

Beautiful Soup 73

Bengio, Yoshua 8

Bethge, Matthias 140

Bias 195

Bias-Neuronen 114

Bias-Varianz-Dilemma 192

Big Data 175

Big-Data-Szenarien ...

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