


AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), 121

AICP (Association of Independent Commercial Producers), 205

AIVF (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers), 147


process, 411

21 steps to, 5

Associate Video Training Series, 27

ATM (Area Training Manager), 2728

ATRs (audio tape recorders), 168

Audio 208; See also Sound

basic terms, 5152

working with, 178179

Audio sweetening defined, 178179


Baker Productions, 198

Baker, Randy, 198

Baltimore Film Factory, 124

Bare, Richard, 157

Book resources list, 221222

Buchman, Herman, 160

Budget development, 1415

Budget Forms Instantly (Singleton), 74

Budgets, 6478, 204205

considerations, 7174

audience, 72

common variables associated with costs, 7374

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