
Page numbers with f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively.


A2 constant, 70t

A3 constant, 87t

A constant, 3334, 34t

Acceptable value, precision of the gage to total tolerance ratio, 24

Acceptable products, 45

Accredited metrology laboratories, 2t

Accuracy, definition, 1

Accurate relationship

accurate and imprecise gage measurement, 4, 4f

accurate and precise gage measurement, 47, 5f, 6f

linear correlation with positive slope, 118f, 119, 124f

American National Standards Institute, 2, 2t

Attributes, process control

C charts, 102, 113114, 114f

NP charts, 101, 110, 113

P charts, 101, 102109, 103t, 104t, 109f

U charts, 102, 114116

values, 101

Average; see also X¯ and R variable charts; X¯ and S variable charts

control charts, ...

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