
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; b indicate boxes.




as audience, 250

call time, 243244

continuity, 249

direction, 243

documentary, 250251

final staging, 244

interview questions, 251

makeup and hair, 244

novice directors, 250

special situations, 248249

stand-ins, 244

technical requirements, 244246

tools, 246

types of characters, 246249


accommodation, 251

contracts and deal memos, 251252

socialization, 251

Animal mortality, 364



additional crew, 223

final walk-through, 219

guide, 219

hairdress, 223

makeup, 222223

props, 221222

set dressing, 220221

set procedures, 219220

wardrobe, 222 producer

cover sets, 224

schedule and budget monitor, 223224

types of set items, 223224

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