

404 errors, 129


ACI (Azure Container Instances), 338339. See also containers

ACLs (access control lists), 110

actor pattern, overview, 67

actor services, Linux, 275276

actor states, state bottlenecks, 161162

actors. See also tic-tac-toe game

APIs, 9

communications, 69

concurrency, 6970

defined, 68

digital twins, 67

ETW (Event Tracking for Windows), 8183

events, 8081

instances, 8788

lifetime, 68

performance counters, 8387

reactive messaging patterns, 403406

reminders, 7980

state providers, 8890

states, 68, 8788

timers, 7879

WebSocket for live data processing, 360366

actors and processing topologies

cached lookup grid, 359360

join-by-field, 359

overview, 357

parallel batching, 358

streaming top N, 358359

AD (Active ...

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