Abba, Wayne F., 362
Abelson, Reed, 80n
Accountability, 231
Actual Cost Work Performed (ACWP), 354
ACWP (Actual Cost Work Performed), 354
Adams, John R., 60n, 61n, 63, 279, 293
Adams, W., 366n
Advanced Micro Devices, 121
Air Force Systems Command Manuals, 8
Alexander, 384
Alternative teams, 45, 489, 492, 493
Altman, W., 147n
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, 122
American Bar Association, 131n
American Can Company, 147
American National Standards Institute, 361
American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (asapm), 480n
American Society for Quality (ASQ), 244
American West, 39
Analog Devices Inc., 450
Ancient Roman Roads, 13
Andersen, Erling S., 335n
Andrews, Kenneth R., 134
Anheuser Busch Inc., 147, ...
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