How to do it...

Execute the following steps to use the exponential smoothing methods to create forecasts of Google's stock prices.

  1. Import the libraries:
import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport yfinance as yffrom datetime import datefrom statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters import (ExponentialSmoothing,                                          SimpleExpSmoothing,                                          Holt)
  1. Download the adjusted stock prices for Google:
df ='GOOG',                 start='2010-01-01',                 end='2018-12-31',                 adjusted=True,                 progress=False)
  1. Aggregate to monthly frequency:
goog = df.resample('M') \         .last() \         .rename(columns={'Adj Close': 'adj_close'}) \         .adj_close 
  1. Create the training/test split:
train_indices = goog.index.year < 2018goog_train = goog[train_indices]goog_test = goog[~train_indices]test_length ...

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