Add with carry, 133, 151

Addition modulo 2 (binary addition), 151

Addressability, 194

Algorithms, quantum, 146, 160, 164, 167

Amplifier, quantum, 65

Ancilla, 40, 140, 187

Annihilation operator of phonons, 211

of photons, 7, 199

Balanced function, 139

Bandgap engineering, 219

Basis Bell, 43

complementary, 5, 136

computational, 4, 134, 137, 148

orthonormal, 33, 54

overcomplete, 55, 57

Bayes' theorem, 82, 95

Beamsplitter, 8, 28, 137

Bell inequalities, 46

Bell states, 43, 152, 156, 173

Bichromatic gate, 216

Billiard ball computer, 186

Binary signal, 77

Bit, 3, 77, 130

Bloch sphere, 10

Bloch vector, 10, 41, 66, 121, 195

Boolean algebra, 130, 134

Bose–Einstein condensation, 196, 226, 227

Breathing mode, 211

Capacity channel, 94

information, 35, 83, 102

Causality, 28, 39, 51

Cavity QED (cavity quantum electrodynamics), 197


binary, 82, 94, 95

capacity, 94, 97, 103

lossless, 82

noiseless, 86

noisy, 93

quantum, 103

Chemical shift, 222

Church–Turing thesis, 144

Cloning, 17, 39

Closure property, 22

CNOT (controlled NOT), 138, 148152, 154, 170, 197, 215


binary, 83, 115

noiseless, 86

ternary, 111

Coherent state, 57, 199

Collective motion, 211

Communication classical, 44, 76

protocol, 18

quantum, 98

secure, 18

Complementary basis, 5, 136

Complete positivity, 69

Complexity, computational, 144

Compression of messages, 88

Computability, 144

Computation circuits, 146

classical, 141

quantum, 134, 146

stochastic, 144, 146

transformation, 145

Computational basis, 4, 134, 136, ...

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