© Margot Tollefson 2019
Margot TollefsonR Quick Syntax Referencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4405-0_9

9. Importing and Creating Data

Margot Tollefson1 
Stratford, IA, USA

When you are loading data into R or R Studio, you have a number of options. For external files, there are several functions that read data from specific kinds of files into R. For data that are not in files, but accessible through connections, there are a number of functions that connect to connections.

In R Studio, many datasets can be read using the “Import Dataset” tab—under the “Environment” tab in the upper right window. Other types of files can be loaded into the “Source” (upper left) window in RStudio, as described in Chapter 2.

R comes with a number of canned datasets, ...

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