
Abox, 74
Accumulo, 140
ACID-compliant relational database, 39
Aerospike store, 24
Akkiban, 38
Allegrograph, 6, 101, 118
Amada, 141
simple queue service (SQS), 141
Anapsid system, 187
Apache, 32, 99, 112
Cassandra, 34, 136
Hadoop, 139
HBase, 34, 136, 138
Hive, 139
Zookeeper, 140
Artificial intelligence, 192
Asynchronous replication, 20
Atlas system, 181
Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and duration (ACID) properties, 16
AWETO system, 82, 136
Basically available, soft state, eventually consistent (BASE), 28
BerkeleyDB, 29
Berlin SPARQL benchmark ...

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