Chapter 22
Answers and Explanations to Practice Exam Two
Your performance on the second exam in Chapter 21 should tell the story of how well you’ve mastered the material and how ready you are for the state exam. Give yourself one point for each correct answer and note the blocks of questions by subject. You’ll have two scores: an overall exam score and a score for each of the sections by subject. At this point, I’m assuming you took the practice exam in Chapter 19, reviewed the answers in Chapter 20, and studied your weakest areas. If you’ve done that and your score for this exam is below 80, take a close look at your weakest areas on this exam. If you got more than two or three questions wrong in any subject, go back and review the corresponding chapter. Spend some time reviewing the material in your weakest areas, but unless you got everything right in a particular subject, don’t neglect the areas that you did well in. Remember: Every point counts. After you’ve finished reviewing all the material, you need to continue on to the next two exams in Chapters 23 and 25. Take all the practice exams more than once. I bet you’ll be amazed at how much your score improves.
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