Moody’s Wall Street Analytics
Moody’s Wall Street Analytics (MWSA) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Moody’s Corporation and a member of its analytics business. Founded in 1987, MWSA (
www.wsainc.com) has been around for more than 20 years producing customized software and specialist data tools for the structured finance markets. These tools have been used for deal structuring, transaction analysis and management, and the servicing of structured finance instruments. The company’s clients include many issuers, investment banks, and both buy-side and sell-side investors.
Wall Street Analytics was acquired by Moody’s in December 2006 with Moody’s intention to broaden its capabilities in the analysis and monitoring of complex structured debt securities. The acquisition extended Moody’s CDO product suite and enhanced the firms ABS and MBS analytical capabilities. In return, synergies for Wall Street Analytics meant access to Moody’s extensive deal libraries, its analytical staff, and the corporation’s global reach and marketing capabilities.
MWSA’s data products and software solutions can support detailed analysis of sophisticated structured finance deals spanning across ABS, MBS, CMBS, RMBS, CDOs, and CLOs.
This chapter provides an overview of MWSA products with a focus on different players in the structured finance arena, namely
• Investors
• Asset managers
• Issuers
• Structurers.
MWSA offers a key tool for investors ...