
A signals, 87, 88

A weighting network, 23

A-B powering, 71

Absorption coefficients, sound, 4243, 206

Acoustic elements, electrical equivalents, 34

Acoustic resonances, 4

Acoustics, radio studio, 195, 199, 200

ADAT machines, 142

AES/EBU interface, digital audio transfer, 186, 187

After-fade listen (AFL), 100

Air-conditioning, studio, 173176

Air quality/pollution, 173

Aliasing, 39

All-pass filter, 159

American Standards, 27

Amplitude modulation, 7

Analogue noise reduction, 122130

Analogue recording and reproduction, 112121

Analogue sound mixing, 94, 94103

Artificial reverberation, 159, 162

Audio cassette tape, track layout, 120

Aural monitoring, sound mixing, 101

Automatic track finding (ATF), 151

Azimuth adjustment, tape head, 120

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