The Spring Data project was coined at Spring One 2010 and originated from a hacking session of Rod Johnson (SpringSource) and Emil Eifrem (Neo Technologies) early that year. They were trying to integrate the Neo4j graph database with the Spring Framework and evaluated different approaches. The session created the foundation for what would eventually become the very first version of the Neo4j module of Spring Data, a new SpringSource project aimed at supporting the growing interest in NoSQL data stores, a trend that continues to this day.
Spring has provided sophisticated
support for traditional data access technologies from day one. It
significantly simplified the implementation of data access layers,
regardless of whether JDBC, Hibernate, TopLink, JDO, or iBatis was used as
persistence technology. This support mainly consisted of simplified
infrastructure setup and resource management as well as exception
translation into Spring’s DataAccessException
s. This
support has matured over the years and the latest Spring versions contained
decent upgrades to this layer of support.
The traditional data access support in Spring has targeted relational databases only, as they were the predominant tool of choice when it came to data persistence. As NoSQL stores enter the stage to provide reasonable alternatives in the toolbox, there’s room to fill in terms of developer support. Beyond that, there are yet more opportunities for improvement even for the traditional relational stores. These two observations are the main drivers for the Spring Data project, which consists of dedicated modules for NoSQL stores as well as JPA and JDBC modules with additional support for relational databases.
Although the term NoSQL is used to refer to a set of quite young data stores, all of the stores have very different characteristics and use cases. Ironically, it’s the nonfeature (the lack of support for running queries using SQL) that actually named this group of databases. As these stores have quite different traits, their Java drivers have completely different APIs to leverage the stores’ special traits and features. Trying to abstract away their differences would actually remove the benefits each NoSQL data store offers. A graph database should be chosen to store highly interconnected data. A document database should be used for tree and aggregate-like data structures. A key/value store should be chosen if you need cache-like functionality and access patterns.
With the JPA, the Java EE (Enterprise Edition) space offers a persistence API that could have been a candidate to front implementations of NoSQL databases. Unfortunately, the first two sentences of the specification already indicate that this is probably not working out:
This document is the specification of the Java API for the management of persistence and object/relational mapping with Java EE and Java SE. The technical objective of this work is to provide an object/relational mapping facility for the Java application developer using a Java domain model to manage a relational database.
This theme is clearly reflected in the specification later on. It
defines concepts and APIs that are deeply connected to the world of
relational persistence. An @Table
annotation would not make a lot of sense for NoSQL databases, nor would
. How should one implement the
transaction API for stores like MongoDB, which essentially do not provide
transactional semantics spread across multidocument manipulations? So implementing a JPA layer
on top of a NoSQL store would result in a profile of the API at
On the other hand, all the special features NoSQL stores provide (geospatial functionality, map-reduce operations, graph traversals) would have to be implemented in a proprietary fashion anyway, as JPA simply does not provide abstractions for them. So we would essentially end up in a worst-of-both-worlds scenario—the parts that can be implemented behind JPA plus additional proprietary features to reenable store-specific features.
This context rules out JPA as a potential abstraction API for these stores. Still, we would like to see the programmer productivity and programming model consistency known from various Spring ecosystem projects to simplify working with NoSQL stores. This led the Spring Data team to declare the following mission statement:
Spring Data provides a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for NoSQL and relational stores while retaining store-specific features and capabilities.
So we decided to take a slightly different approach. Instead of trying to abstract all stores behind a single API, the Spring Data project provides a consistent programming model across the different store implementations using patterns and abstractions already known from within the Spring Framework. This allows for a consistent experience when you’re working with different stores.
A core theme of the Spring Data project available for all of the stores is support for configuring resources to access the stores. This support is mainly implemented as XML namespace and support classes for Spring JavaConfig and allows us to easily set up access to a Mongo database, an embedded Neo4j instance, and the like. Also, integration with core Spring functionality like JMX is provided, meaning that some stores will expose statistics through their native API, which will be exposed to JMX via Spring Data.
Most of the NoSQL Java APIs do not provide support to map domain objects onto the stores’ data abstractions (documents in MongoDB; nodes and relationships for Neo4j). So, when working with the native Java drivers, you would usually have to write a significant amount of code to map data onto the domain objects of your application when reading, and vice versa on writing. Thus, a very core part of the Spring Data modules is a mapping and conversion API that allows obtaining metadata about domain classes to be persistent and enables the actual conversion of arbitrary domain objects into store-specific data types.
On top of that, we’ll find
opinionated APIs in the form of template pattern implementations already
well known from Spring’s JdbcTemplate
, etc. Thus, there is a
, a
, and so on. As you probably already
know, these templates offer helper methods that allow us to execute
commonly needed operations like persisting an object with a single
statement while automatically taking care of appropriate resource
management and exception translation. Beyond that, they expose callback
APIs that allow you to access the store-native APIs while still getting
exceptions translated and resources managed properly.
These features already provide us with a toolbox to implement a data access layer like we’re used to with traditional databases. The upcoming chapters will guide you through this functionality. To ease that process even more, Spring Data provides a repository abstraction on top of the template implementation that will reduce the effort to implement data access objects to a plain interface definition for the most common scenarios like performing standard CRUD operations as well as executing queries in case the store supports that. This abstraction is actually the topmost layer and blends the APIs of the different stores as much as reasonably possible. Thus, the store-specific implementations of it share quite a lot of commonalities. This is why you’ll find a dedicated chapter (Chapter 2) introducing you to the basic programming model.
Now let’s take a look at our sample code and the domain model that we will use to demonstrate the features of the particular store modules.
To illustrate how to work with the various Spring Data modules, we will be using a sample domain from the ecommerce sector (see Figure 1-1). As NoSQL data stores usually have a dedicated sweet spot of functionality and applicability, the individual chapters might tweak the actual implementation of the domain or even only partially implement it. This is not to suggest that you have to model the domain in a certain way, but rather to emphasize which store might actually work better for a given application scenario.
At the core of our model, we have a customer who has basic data like a first name, a last name, an email address, and a set of addresses in turn containing street, city, and country. We also have products that consist of a name, a description, a price, and arbitrary attributes. These abstractions form the basis of a rudimentary CRM (customer relationship management) and inventory system. On top of that, we have orders a customer can place. An order contains the customer who placed it, shipping and billing addresses, the date the order was placed, an order status, and a set of line items. These line items in turn reference a particular product, the number of products to be ordered, and the price of the product.
The sample code for this book can be found on GitHub. It is a Maven project containing a module per chapter. It requires either a Maven 3 installation on your machine or an IDE capable of importing Maven projects such as the Spring Tool Suite (STS). Getting the code is as simple as cloning the repository:
$ cd ~/dev $ git clone Cloning into 'spring-data-book'... remote: Counting objects: 253, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (137/137), done. Receiving objects: 100% (253/253), 139.99 KiB | 199 KiB/s, done. remote: Total 253 (delta 91), reused 219 (delta 57) Resolving deltas: 100% (91/91), done. $ cd spring-data-book
You can now build the code by executing Maven from the command line as follows:
$ mvn clean package
This will cause Maven to resolve dependencies, compile and test code, execute tests, and package the modules eventually.
STS ships with the m2eclipse plug-in to easily work with Maven projects right inside your IDE. So, if you have it already downloaded and installed (have a look at Chapter 3 for details), you can choose the Import option of the File menu. Select the Existing Maven Projects option from the dialog box, shown in Figure 1-2.
In the next window, select the folder in which you’ve just checked out the project using the Browse button. After you’ve done so, the pane right below should fill with the individual Maven modules listed and checked (Figure 1-3). Proceed by clicking on Finish, and STS will import the selected Maven modules into your workspace. It will also resolve the necessary dependencies and source folder according to the pom.xml file in the module’s root directory.
You should eventually end up with a Package or Project Explorer looking something like Figure 1-4. The projects should compile fine and contain no red error markers.
The projects using Querydsl (see Chapter 5 for details) might still carry a red error marker. This is due to the m2eclipse plug-in needing additional information about when to execute the Querydsl-related Maven plug-ins in the IDE build life cycle. The integration for that can be installed from the m2e-querydsl extension update site; you’ll find the most recent version of it at the project home page. Copy the link to the latest version listed there (0.0.3, at the time of this writing) and add it to the list of available update sites, as shown in Figure 1-5. Installing the feature exposed through that update site, restarting Eclipse, and potentially updating the Maven project configuration (right-click on the project→Maven→Update Project) should let you end up with all the projects without Eclipse error markers and building just fine.
IDEA is able to open Maven project files directly without any further setup needed. Select the Open Project menu entry to show the dialog box (see Figure 1-6).
The IDE opens the project and fetches needed dependencies. In the next step (shown in Figure 1-7), it detects used frameworks (like the Spring Framework, JPA, WebApp); use the Configure link in the pop up or the Event Log to configure them.
The project is then ready to be used. You will see the Project view and the Maven Projects view, as shown in Figure 1-8. Compile the project as usual.
Next you must add JPA support in the Spring Data JPA module to enable finder method completion and error checking of repositories. Just right-click on the module and choose Add Framework. In the resulting dialog box, check JavaEE Persistence support and select Hibernate as the persistence provider (Figure 1-9). This will create a src/main/java/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml file with just a persistence-unit setup.
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