Absey, Anita, 63, 93, 193194, 276277

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business (Lencioni), 31, 34, 149, 201203

Alignment, driving, 211216

aligning individual incentives with global goals, 213214

five keys to, 211212

“Analog analogue,” 78


Baer, Josh, 3

Baldonero, Angela, 7880

Benchmarking, value and limitations of, 217219

Bilbrey, George, 3, 5455, 63

Blank, Steven Gary, 12, 13, 37, 43, 243

Blumberg, Bob, 353

Blumberg, Mariquita, 339340

Board of directors

building, 257265

advisory board, 264265

compensating, 259260

feedback process, 263264

members, 257258

recruiting, 258259

structuring, 261263

as teams, 260261

compensation and review, working with board on, 287291

CEO's compensation, 288290

CEO's performance review, 287288

expenses, 290291

decision making and, 281285

firing a CEO, 284285

making difficult decisions in concert, 282283

managing conflict, 283284

meeting materials, 267270

Board Book, 267269

value of preparing for, 269270

meetings, effective, 271277

executive and closed sessions, 275276

forward-looking agenda, building, 272273

in-meeting materials, 273274

protocol, 274275

scheduling, 271272

staff/board interactions, 276277

non–board meeting time, 279280

ad hoc meetings, 279

premeetings, 280

social outings, 280

serving on other boards, 293299

basics of, 293294

substance vs. style, 296

value of, 253256

reasons for having, 253255

Bootstrapping, 172173

company's cash flow, 173

customer financing, ...

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