Chapter 6. Producing Statistical Graphics in SAS
6.1 Graphics in SAS 197
6.2 ODS Statistical Graphics 198
6.3 Modifying Graphics Using the ODS Graphics Editor 206
6.4 Graphing with Styles and Templates 209
6.5 Statistical Graphics—Entering the Land of SG Procedures 216
6.6 Case Study: Using the SG Procedures 224
6.7 Summary 233
6.8 References 234
6.9 Exercises 235
6.1 Graphics in SAS
In previous chapters, statistical procedures were used to display data patterns and model summaries. Statistical procedures invoked ODS Graphics to produce many figures in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. In this chapter, let's take a closer look at producing graphics in SAS and customizing the graphics. Wonderful books that describe effective graphical displays include Tufte (2001) ...
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