
A/B testing, 121

Advertis(ing/ement), 18

   bait, 24

   print, 123–124

   switch, 24

   word-of-mouth, 18–19

Aesthetic graphics, 90–91

Agent–agency ratios, 36–37

Alignment, 89–90

Alliteration, 74

American Legacy Foundation

   “Truth” campaign, 20–21

Anaphora, 73

Answers to headlines, 57

Antimetabole, 73

Attention of headlines, 56


   headlines, attention of, 56–57

   imaginations, 53–56

   segmentation, 22

Axis-of-Power Test, 9

Bait advertising, 24

Balance, 89–90

Bar graphs, 95

Behavioral segmentation, 21

Benefits, in technical marketing, 48–49

   benefit of, 50–52

   distinguished from feature, 48–49

   dramatizing, 50

Big ideas, 47–56

   audience imaginations, 53–56

   benefits, 48–52

   feature versus benefits, 48–49

   storytelling, ...

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