What Is Agile?

Agile is everywhere. And paradoxically, nowhere.

In the 20 years after the Agile freight train roared into software developers’ consciousness, the number of companies calling themselves “Agile” increased by orders of magnitude. The number of teams actually taking an agile approach to their work? Not so much. “Agile,” the easily repeated name, is enormously successful. The ideas behind Agile—well, most of them are ignored.

Let’s fix that.

Agile’s Genesis

In the 1990s, software development was believed to be in crisis. They actually called it that: “The Software Crisis.” Software projects were overbudget, late, didn’t meet requirements, and—according to the oft-quoted and ominously named “CHAOS Report”—nearly one-third of them were cancelled outright. [Standish1994]

Agile wasn’t a response to this crisis. Far from it. Agile was a response to the response.

To bring software development under control, big organizations had created highly detailed processes that defined exactly how software was to be created. Everything was tightly controlled so that no mistakes could be made. (In theory, anyway.)

First, business analysts would interview stakeholders and document the system requirements. Next, software architects would read the requirements documents and create detailed design documents specifying every component of the system and how they related to one another. Then programmers would convert the design documents to code. In some organizations, this was considered low-skill work—just a mechanical translation exercise.

Meanwhile, test leads would use the same documents to generate test plans, and when coding was done, armies of QA personnel would manually follow those test plans and report variances as defects. After each phase, everything would be carefully documented, reviewed, and signed off.

These phase-based approaches came to be called “waterfall development,” or “phase-gate development.”1 If they sound like a ridiculous straw man, well, consider yourself fortunate. Not every company used a document-heavy, phase-based process in the ’90s, but it was widely recognized as a logical and sensible way to work. Of course you needed to define requirements, then design, then implement, then test. Of course you needed to document every phase. This was discipline. This was engineering. How else could you possibly succeed?

Born Out of Crisis

Big companies defined their processes in excruciating detail. Roles, responsibilities, document templates, modeling languages, change control boards…every aspect of development was strictly defined and controlled. If a project didn’t succeed—and, according to the “CHAOS Report,” less than one-sixth of them did—it was because the process needed more detail, more documents, more sign-offs. This resulted in a massive amount of documentation. Martin Fowler called it “The Almighty Thud.” [Fowler1997]

This wasn’t a great way to work. It was bureaucratic and dehumanizing. Skill didn’t seem to matter as much as adherence to process. Programmers felt they were interchangeable cogs in an impersonal machine. It didn’t even work all that well.

So several people created simpler, slimmer, and less prescriptive methods for developing software. They were called “lightweight methods” in contrast to the heavyweight methods used by big companies. These new methods had names like “Adaptive Software Development,” “Crystal,” “Feature-Driven Development,” “Dynamic Systems Development Method,” “Extreme Programming,” and “Scrum.”

By the late ’90s, these methods were attracting serious attention. Extreme Programming, in particular, saw an explosion of grassroots interest among programmers. In 2001, 17 of the lightweight methodology proponents met at a ski resort in Utah to discuss unifying their efforts.

The Agile Manifesto

“I personally didn’t expect this particular group of [people] to ever agree on anything substantive,” Alistair Cockburn said later.

And, in fact, after two days, they accomplished only two things: the name “Agile,” and a statement of four values (see Figure 1-1). During the following months, over email, they hashed out 12 accompanying principles (see Figure 1-2). [Beck2001]

This was the Agile Manifesto. It changed the world. So, as Alistair went on to say, they did agree on something substantive after all.2

A picture of text with the header “Manifesto for Agile Software Development”. The body of the text reads, “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools; Working software over comprehensive documentation; Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; Responding to change over following a plan. That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.” It’s followed by the names of 17 people and a copyright notice.
Figure 1-1. Agile values

But there was no unified Agile method. There never has been, and never will be. Agile is three things: the name, the values, and the principles. That’s it. It’s not something you can do. It’s a philosophy. A way of thinking about software development. You can’t “use” Agile or “do” Agile…you can only be Agile. Or not. If your teams embody the Agile philosophy, then they’re Agile. If they don’t, they’re not.

The Essence of Agile

Martin Fowler has made a career out of turning complicated software topics into well-considered, even-handed explanations. His explanation of “The Essence of Agile Software Development” is one of the best:

Agile Development is adaptive rather than predictive; people-oriented rather than process-oriented.3

Martin Fowler

A picture of text with the header “Principles behind the Agile Manifesto”. The body of the text lists 12 principles. They read: “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” “Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.” “Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.” “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.” “Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.” “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.” “Working software is the primary measure of progress.” “Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.” “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.” “Simplicity, the art of maximizing the amount of work not done, is essential.” “The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.” “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”
Figure 1-2. Agile principles

Adaptive rather than predictive

Remember the “CHAOS Report,” which said that only one-sixth of software projects were successful? It had a very specific definition of success:


The project is completed on-time and on-budget, with all features and functions as originally specified.


The project is completed and operational but over-budget, over the time estimate, and offers fewer features and functions than originally specified.


The project is canceled at some point during the development cycle.

These definitions illustrate the predictive mindset perfectly. They’re all about conformance to plan. If you did what you said you were going to do, you were successful. If you didn’t, you weren’t! Easy.

It makes sense at first. But look closer. There’s something missing. As Ryan Nelson wrote in CIO Magazine [Nelson2006]:

Projects that were found to meet all of the traditional criteria for success—time, budget, and specifications—may still be failures in the end because they fail to appeal to the intended users or because they ultimately fail to add much value to the business…Similarly, projects considered failures according to traditional IT metrics may wind up being successes because despite cost, time or specification problems, the system is loved by its target audience or provides unexpected value.

Agile teams define success as delivering value, not conforming to a plan. In fact, truly Agile teams actively look for opportunities to increase value by changing their plans.

Look back at the Manifesto (see Figures 1-1 and 1-2). Take a moment to really study the Agile values and principles. How many relate to delivering valuable software and adapting to feedback?

People-oriented rather than process-oriented

Heavyweight processes tried to prevent errors by carefully defining every aspect of software development. By putting the “smarts” in the process, individual skill became less important. In theory, you could apply the same process over and over, with different people, and get the same results. (Come to think of it, they kind of did. Just not the results they wanted.)

Agile says people are the most important factor in software development success. Not just their skills, but all aspects of their humanity. How well team members work together. How many distractions they encounter. How safe they are to speak up, and whether they’re motivated by their work.

Agile teams have a process—every team does, even if it’s implicit—but the process is in service of the humans, not the other way around. And Agile teams are in charge of their own process. When they think of a better way of working, they change it.

Look at the Manifesto again (see Figures 1-1 and 1-2). Which values and principles relate to putting people first?

Why Agile Won

In the first 10 years after the Manifesto, Agile faced enormous criticism. It was “undisciplined,” critics said. “It could never work.” Another 10 years after that, the critics were silent. Agile was everywhere, at least in name. Heavyweight waterfall methods were effectively dead. Some younger programmers have trouble believing anybody ever could have worked that way.

It’s not that phase-based processes are inherently broken. They have their flaws, sure, but if you keep them slim and operate in a well-understood domain, waterfall-style methods can work. The problem was the heavyweight approaches big companies used. Ironically, the processes designed to prevent problems actually caused many of the problems organizations were seeing.

It’s very difficult to imagine how software will work before you actually use it, and it’s even harder to think of absolutely everything your software needs to do. This is doubly true for people who aren’t actively involved with software development. As a result, it’s critically important to get working software in front of people as soon as possible. You need to get feedback about what’s missing or wrong, then change your plans based on what you learn. As the Manifesto says, “Working software is the primary measure of progress.” Learning and responding to change are at the heart of what Agile is all about.

Those heavyweight processes put so much emphasis on process controls and documentation and sign-offs, they incurred a huge amount of delay and overhead. They took years to produce working software, and they had nothing concrete to show until near the end. Instead of welcoming change, they actively worked to prevent change. They actually had a dedicated part of the process, the Change Control Board, whose primary purpose was to say “no” to change requests. (Or, more accurately, “Yes, but it will cost you.”)

All of this added up to projects that spent years in development before they had anything to show. When they did, it was too late and too expensive to make changes. They ultimately shipped software that didn’t do what customers needed.

Although there are a variety of approaches to Agile—and some of them are more about co-opting a popular name than following the actual philosophy—one thing they all have in common is a focus on making progress visible and allowing stakeholders to make course corrections as they go. This seems like a small thing, but it’s incredibly powerful. It’s why we no longer hear about the Software Crisis. Software is still late. It’s still over-budget. But Agile teams show progress with working software, not documents. Right from the beginning. And that’s huge.

There’s more to Agile than just providing visibility. But this one thing? This was enough. It’s why everybody wanted Agile.

Why Agile Works

Agile’s first break-out success was Extreme Programming (XP), a method with the slogan “Embrace Change.” XP mixed a healthy dose of philosophizing about software development with a pragmatic emphasis on making a difference. As the preface to the first XP book states:

In short, XP promises to reduce project risk, improve responsiveness to business changes, improve productivity throughout the life of a system, and add fun to building software in teams—all at the same time. Really. Quit laughing. [Beck2000a]

Extreme Programming Explained, First Edition

Some people did laugh. But others tried it, and they found that—contrary to common wisdom about how software development was supposed to work—XP really did everything it promised. And so, despite the laughter, XP thrived, and Agile along with it.

XP was the original poster child of Agile, donating a backbone of ideas and terminology that are still in use today. But the strength of the Agile community is that it has always been a big tent. Agile isn’t limited to any one method. It’s constantly expanding to include new people and ideas. Lean Software Development, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup, DevOps, and many, many more, have all contributed to what people think of as “Agile” today.

If you take their ideas and group them into categories, five core concepts appear.

  • Rely on People. Build processes that understand and work with people’s essential humanity. Put decisions in the hands of those who are most qualified to make those decisions. Base your work on healthy, collaborative relationships.

  • Deliver Value. Seek feedback, experiment, and adapt your plans. Focus on producing valuable results. Consider partially done work a cost, not a benefit. Deliver frequently.

  • Eliminate Waste. Work in small, reversible steps. Embrace the possibility of failure and design your plans to fail fast. Maximize work not done. Pursue throughput rather than efficiency.

  • Seek Technical Excellence. Enable agility via technical quality. Design for what is known, not what is speculated. Start simple and add complexity only in response to actual needs. Create systems that are easy to evolve, even—or especially—in unanticipated directions.

  • Improve Your Process. Experiment with new ideas. Tune and adapt what works. Never assume the established, popular way is the way that’s best for you.

Agile is defined by the Manifesto, but the Manifesto is just the starting point. Agile works because people make it work. They take Agile’s ideas, adapt them to their situation, and never stop improving.

Why Agile Fails

Agile started as a grassroots movement. Its initial success was largely driven by programmers seeking better results and better quality of life. As that success grew, Agile’s momentum shifted from the underlying ideas to hype. Rather than saying, “Let’s get better results by adapting our plans and putting people first,” organization leaders started saying, “Everybody’s talking about Agile. Get me some Agile.”

The thing is, there is no “Agile” to go get. It’s just a bunch of ideas. There are specific Agile approaches, such as Extreme Programming and Scrum, that will tell you how to be Agile, but you still have to be on board with the underlying philosophy.

And for a lot of organizations, that underlying philosophy—adapting plans and putting people first—is really, really foreign.

The tragedy of the Cargo Cult is its adherence to the superficial, outward signs of some idea combined with ignorance of how that idea actually works. In the story, the islanders replicated all the elements of cargo drops—the airstrip, the tower, the headphones—but didn’t understand the vast infrastructure that enabled airplanes to arrive.

The same tragedy occurs with Agile. People want Agile’s Cargo: better results, more visibility, fewer business failures. But they don’t understand the underlying philosophy, and often wouldn’t agree with it even if they did. They want to buy Agile, but you can’t buy an idea.

What they can buy is the outward signs of Agile. Stand-up meetings! Stories! Tools! Certifications! There’s lots of stuff labeled Agile, and plenty of people eager to sell it to you. It’s often sold as “enterprise-grade,” which is a way of saying “don’t worry, you won’t have to change.” Uncomfortable ideas like “adaptive planning” and “people-centric” are ignored.

And that’s how you get a Cargo Cult. All the activity; none of the results. The Agile part is missing.

“At my old company they wasted a huge number of man-hours in meetings.”

“[Agile] cost an entire team (30+) of people their jobs as they produced almost nothing for almost a year.”

“All [Agile] means is developers get shafted when the project changes…the day before delivery.”

Real comments about Agile from around the web

The name Agile is everywhere. The ideas of Agile aren’t. It’s become self-perpetuating: for many, the only Agile they know is Cargo Cult Agile.

It’s time to fix that. In the rest of this book, I’ll show you how to apply Agile ideas for real. Keep an eye out for the Cargo Cult Agilists who have infiltrated the book. (You can also find them in the index.) They’ll show you what not to do.

Ready? Let’s go.

1 Waterfall is often mistakenly attributed to a 1970 paper by Winston Royce. But phase-based approaches date back to the 1950s, and Royce’s paper was largely ignored until the late 1980s, when it was used to describe what people were already doing. [Bossavit2013] (ch. 7).

2 Alistair Cockburn, quoted by Jim Highsmith in [Highsmith2001]. The full quote is, “I personally didn’t expect…this particular group of agilites to ever agree on anything substantive…Speaking for myself, I am delighted by the final phrasing [of the Manifesto]. I was surprised that the others appeared equally delighted by the final phrasing. So we did agree on something substantive.”

3 Fowler has expressed this idea in many ways over the years. It originated in [Fowler2000a].

4 Sources: Mueller’s February 3, 2005, testimony to Congress and Inspector General Glenn Fine’s May 2, 2005, testimony to Congress.

5 I first saw this story in the writings of Richard Feynman, based on his 1974 Caltech commencement address. [Feynman1974] It’s based on real-world rituals practiced in Melanesia after World War II.

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