anonymity online, 199-200

attorneys’ fees

and Anticybersquatting

Consumer Protection Act, 127

and copyright infringement, 57, 58-59, 61, 62, 78

and trademark infringement, 98, 127

Anticybersquatting Consumer

Protection Act (See also domain name disputes)

bad faith requirement, 115-120

and commercial use of domain name, 121-123

features, 105-108, 112-113

protection for personal names, 106, 126-128, 216

remedies, 113, 115, 121

requirements for winning, 113

art work

cover art on fan sites, 224

thumbnail images, 155-157, 224

ASCAP (See performing rights organizations)


blogging anonymously, 199-200

comments, 198

copyright registration of, 80, 250-258, 268-270

ownership of content, 197-198

quoting from, 155

service providers, 194 ...

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