© Mario Vanhoucke 2018
Mario VanhouckeThe Data-Driven Project Managerhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3498-3_1

1. Background

Mario Vanhoucke1 
Gent, Belgium

All of the characters in this book are ordinary, but nevertheless interesting, human beings. They are real people, living in real situations, trying to achieve their ambitions the best they can. They could be you or me or your colleague at your job.

The core team of GlobalConstruct’s tennis stadium construction project consists of:
  • Jacob Mitchell: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

  • Mark Rogers: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

  • Emily Reed: Chief Operations Officer (COO)

During the numerous meetings, Jacob decided to also involve the following people from GlobalConstruct:
  • Ruth Bowman: Head of the Accounting ...

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